How To Block Your Bank Account With Code If ATM Card Is Stolen

There has been reported cases of stolen ATM Cards over the years. Many have lost monies to persons who forcefully takes away their ATM card either at gunpoint or fraudsters. Many ATM card users don’t even know how to secure their bank account details linked to their ATM card.

The need to ensure that ATM cards are well protected and the funds in your bank account is safe necessitate the code on how to block your bank account if ATM card is stolen. In a situation where your phone or ATM card is stolen or taken by force, do not struggle with the thief to avoid being injured or killed.

The code to block your bank account if ATM card is stolen is **966911# Just dial **966911# instantly from any available phone. You will be prompted to enter your BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER, which will automatically block any debit transaction in your bank account. NOTE: you’re expected to enter the bank account number linked to stolen ATM card. This can be done with any available phone. It works.

This code can also be used whenever there is any suspicious activities going on your bank account. However, if in doubt, you can confirm from your account officer/bank to clear your doubts. I wish you all the best as you adhere to this advise. Do not fall victim to criminals again. Wisdom is profitable to direct. They say “information is Power”.

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