365ARTICLE: 5 Good Tips You Need In Other To Quit Masturbation And Its Addiction

First thing I will like to talk about in this new article I’m penning down is what Masturbation really means.

Masturbation to me is the act of stimulating the genitals [Either Male or Female] with the new generation intimacy gadgets ranging from vibrator, Love Machine as of women and using of Vaseline or creams in rubbing the manhood in other to generate the same pleasure derived from having the real fun with the opposite sex.

Now below I’m going to talk about 4 good tips you can follow to quit masturbation since it is considered as a bad habit in our new age.

1. Take your time to do the needful at the right time, the idle hand is a devil workshop.

Your time and how you use it is very essential in a human life and no one owns that but you.

When you are all alone, you can notice the said bad habit of masturbation coming to your mind and when you have nothing important to do in your daily tasks then you will be tempted to go into it over and over again.

Funding yourself a work to do even if you have non and engaging yourself in so many other activities will get your mind off the bad act and no one will advice you before you put it forever behind you.

2. Find yourself a loyal partner that likes sex as same as you do.

That your girlfriend or your boyfriend you have won’t deprive you of the fun everyone derives from a relationship which is sex and if you have none then getting yourself one will make you stay away from Masturbation and that won’t even be for a while but permanently.

When your partner is that type that likes to have sex and not shy to tell you when he or she wants it then you are on a good term with each other because non of you will complain whenever you feel like having sex.

3. Quit visiting porn and adult web pages if you have been doing that lately.

You will likely want to have sex after watching some actions of the opposite sex doing it right in front of you either on your TV screen or via the internet so therefore if you are a type that loves visiting adult and porn web pages then you should reduce the addiction or maybe stop it permanently if you have no sex partner.

Masturbating or playing with yourself will come to your mind and surely you will fall for that and blame yourself after the act.

4. Get a good Counselling/Advice from a friend or someone closer about the addictive act.

As someone still existing in this planet earth, you should at least have someone you talk to frequently either about your personal life or problems and that could be your doctor, close friend, pastor, brother, sister or the elders nearer to you.

Sharing with them your addiction to the addictive act of Masturbation might lead them to giving you a guide about it and how to quit it talking from their own personal experience and that might really work for you in one way or the other.

5. Pray to God about it, might be a spiritual problem.

When you are addicted to the bad habit called Masturbation, you won’t know what pushes you to do it and when you are done doing it then you get yourself and your instinct to blame.

Praying to God about it might be the right solution because it may be a spiritual problem inflicted on you.

Your God knows almost everything about you and would be in the right position to deliver you from the bad habit.

Post Source: 365MediaHub

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